
Here a collection of useful documents to help you shorten bureaucracy times and facilitate various tasks in Panama.

Exemption for Property Transfer Donation

In Panama, this form is needed in order to recover taxes from the 2% transfer tax on donations of real estate between first-degree relatives and spouses . It shows that the donation is legal in appearance, monetary exemptions have been done appropriately.

Calculation of Entries and Exits for Foreigners

The entries and exits document is an important tool for foreigners pursuing residency in Panama. The purpose of it is to keep track of the total time spent in the country, which should not be less than 6 months to qualify for residency.

Clearance Certificate from DGI

DGI statement or form "Paz y Salvo" is an official confirmation from Panama's tax authority representing that an individual or entity has no tax obligations due or death debt with department. Most of the time, the certificate is a basic requirement in different administrative and legal processes, such as business transactions, real estate deals, as well as for compliance with various regulatory requirements within Panama.

Formulario RUC - Tax ID Registration

The "Formulary for Ruc" in Panama is an equivalent to "Tax Identification Number (Unique Contributor Register)" registration form. It is an important document both for an individual and a for a commercial firm. An individual requires it for the payment of taxes. This type of form can serve two purposes: either to register or vet the existing information in the tax authority's files or to make sure that the entity and an individual is correctly identified for tax collection and compliance. In addition to various transactions, such as filing of taxes, issuing of receipts, and conducting of businesses legally, the RUC is a necessity and may also be used in other activities by the Panamanians.

Official guide for Panamanian citizenship test

The "Official Guide to the Panama Citizenship Examination" is a complete guide that is purposely created and designed to help candidates present themselves well during the Panama Citizenship Examination The guide that is discussed here is extremely comprehensive as it covers a wide range of topics ranging from the history of Panama, its culture, civil governance and judiciary to citizen’s obligation. It is destine to help students with the expertise required to functionally finish the citizenship exam demonstrating knowledge of Panamanian social standards and values. This manual therefore is a fundamental document with regard to naturalization of people in Panama.

Questions in the Driving Licence exam

"Preguntas Teóricas de Examen" is a cheat sheet that contains theoretical interrogations developed to prepare people in future driving tests. It is made up of a variety of topics related to traffic laws, road safety, vehicle maintenance, and driving decision-making scenario that helps aspiring drivers to understand the requisite knowledge and rules of the road to operate on the roads without committing violations and creating hazards. This resource will be the most important for the driver learners who hopefully will pass their exam and get out on the open road.

Fiscal Residency Form - Natural Person

The "Residency Tax Person Natural" form is used for not only Panamanian citizens, but also Foreigners who live in the country to claim their tax residency. This is very important because each person who claims their tax residency has their tax benefits plus double taxation treaties Panama has with other countries. The process, enforce by the Dirección General de Ingresos (DGI), require submission of personal identification, proof of address, and evidence that the candidate has the economic ties with the republic.

Credit Refund Request Form (Except Income) – Natural and Legal Person

"Solicitud Devolución de Créditos (Excepto Renta) Personas Natural y Jurídica" form is the document for Panama's government that is designed for use by both individuals and legal entities, who can request tax credit refunds except for income tax. This format is relevant for all situations when tax credits are possible: tax repayment or particular tax incentives. It is executed by the DGI (Dirección General de Ingresos- National Tax Authority) and involves giving all the detailed financial information as well as reasons why you are claiming for a refund.

Income Tax Credit Refund Request Form - Salaried Individual

"The "Formulario de Solicitud de Devolución de Créditos de Impuesto sobre la Renta Natural Asalariado" is a form for salaried individuals in Panama to request income tax credit refunds from the DGI. It's used to claim refunds for overpaid taxes.