Terms and conditions


Our website's content adheres to four fundamental guidelines:

  • Must be Clear

    We create content that is easy to understand, employing plain language, not skipping even basic concepts. This is crucial as a significant portion of our audience may not be fluent in Spanish or might not have English as their first language.

  • Free Forever

    We provide content for free and will always do so. We believe that information should be universally accessible, which is why we avoid paywalls and mandatory registration. Our aim is to offer as much as possible while asking for minimal in return.

  • Reliable and Trustworthy

    We produce content that is both sincere and impartial, offering advice that we would extend to our closest friends. Our goal is to assist readers in making informed choices, without misleading them or altering content for promotional purposes. All content is crafted by humans, with no AI intervention.

  • Precise and Accurate

    We generate comprehensive, accurate, up-to-date, and verifiable content, with clear sources cited. This ensures that our readers can depend on our content for significant decision-making.


Our platform prioritizes useful advice over advertising. While we collaborate with advertisers, it never compromises our reader's interests, which remains a core principle.

  • Advice over Sales

    We only discuss products and services that truly add value, recommending only those we personally trust. When mentioning products, we ensure we present alternatives, including no-cost options, to provide unbiased advice.

  • Editorial Independence

    We protect our editorial integrity by not adhering to commercial brand guidelines, and not permitting advertisers to pre-approve content. However, we value and consider their knowledge and expertise.

  • Affiliation Transparency

    Some of our content includes affiliate links, through which we earn a commission at no extra cost to readers. This model helps us keep the site free while being financially sustainable.


We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring you have a positive experience on our website.

  • Privacy-Focused Analytics

    We use Umami for tracking statistics anonymously, avoiding tracking cookies or personal data collection. All data is hosted within the Americas and remains confidential.

  • Minimal Local Storage

    Occasionally, we use browser local storage to save form data, enhancing the user experience by retaining information during page reloads. This data remains private, stored on your computer, and is not shared with anyone, including All About Panama City.

  • Full Privacy on Forms

    Our website's forms and tools are privacy-focused, keeping your data in your browser without external sharing. Data sent to All About Panama is securely handled and promptly deleted, usually within minutes. No personal data is shared without explicit user action.

  • Secure Error Logging

    We collect anonymized server error logs for debugging purposes. These logs are privacy-conscious and exclude personal information.

Terms of Service

The information provided on our website is "as is," with no warranties. The authors are not liable for any decisions made based on this information or for any potential inaccuracies or omissions it may contain.

Intellectual Property Rights

All content published on this website is the property of All About Panama City and is protected by copyright laws. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, or use any content from this website without express written permission from the owners. Unauthorized use of our content will result in legal action to protect our intellectual property rights.