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Is Panama Safe

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    Is Panama Safe?

    In terms of security, Panama is one of the safest countries in Central America, making it ideal for tourism, retirement, and relocation. Enjoying political stability and well-developed facilities, the country provides travelers with a comparatively high level of security.

    However, occasional crimes like pickpocketing exist with more prevalence in crowded areas, but violent crimes are relatively low compared to neighboring countries.

    Like in any country, it is recommended that you keep yourself alert and embrace necessary precautions to enhance your safety and that of your belongings when touring the nation.

    Is Panama Safe to Travel?

    The vast majority of travelers do not encounter any major issues. However, that being said, as in any other place, one has to be cautious and follow certain safety guidelines and measures.

    When venturing into rural areas or the wilderness, it is advisable to do so in groups. All in all, if visitors use their heads and avoid certain sections of towns considered hazardous, Panama is quite a safe country to visit.

    Crime Rate

    The crime rate in the Isthmus is comparatively lower than in many other countries of Central America. The majority of crimes are basic in nature and most often involve petty larceny. The government has paid lots of attention to enhancing public safety, especially in areas that attract tourists and in larger cities such as Panama City and David.

    However, it is important to acknowledge that Colón has long struggled with safety issues and is often regarded as one of the more dangerous areas in the country. The high crime rates in Colón are primarily linked to poverty, gang activity, and limited economic opportunities.

    Some parts of the nation, especially regions considered off the usual track, could be dangerous regarding criminal activities. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid walking around unknown areas at night.

    Police patrols are present in areas frequented by tourists, and people generally have no issues while moving around the country.

    The U.S. Department of State currently has Panama on a Level 2 advisory, which means that travelers should exercise increased caution when visiting. Certain areas, especially in the Darién Gap or the eastern part of Colón Province, have a higher incidence of criminal activities. So as long as travelers stick to well-lit and congested areas, they should not have much of a problem.

    Is Panama City Safe?

    Panama City is one of the safest capitals in Central America, and that's why more and more people are thinking of moving here. The city offers amenities of a modern metropolis with good healthcare services, cultural and entertaining events, and a moderate crime rate.

    However, similar to any big city, there are areas where crime levels are comparatively higher.

    Some areas are not safe to visit, especially at night; they include El Chorrillo, Santa Ana, and parts of Curundú. Stay in urban areas that you are familiar with, avoid wearing expensive jewelry and other items, and use Uber during the night while moving within the city.

    Sources & Footnotes

    [1] U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory - Panama
    [2] Panama Tourism Authority
    [3] OSAC Panama Country Security Report

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